A young girl from Louisiana learns quickly the true definition of the words pain, and suffering. As a child, at the hands of her mother, she experiences abuse, sadness and confusing situations. As an adult, she struggles with violence, a devastating divorce, and temporary loss of her children. The same woman walked among the rich, but only found betrayal. In desperation, she searched for sanity, but only found hopeless despair. After fifteen years of Bible study, nothing prepared this woman for the life she lived. Yet, the same woman walks through a crucible of fire, becomes a stronger person, then finds peace and love. I highly recommend this uplifting book to all readers, who enjoy inspirational stories, based on real life experience. Samantha Ryan Chandler penned an incredible, emotional story in which she felt she was against all odds, but survives through shattered dreams. At the end, she finds the strength to get her through a web of horror and darkness that not only lights up her own life, but the life of others who walked the same road. She encourages others to seek God's unconditional love and conveys on how to find hope, while inspiring others to hold on to the light of peace and tranquility. "A Love Story:How God Pursued Me and Found Me" is as powerful as Letters To God, as heart-wrenching as Nobody's Child, and as touching as Pay It Forward, with Helen Hunt.