"GONEAWAY INTO THE LAND" is a unique story that takes the reader on a journey through life as we follow the footsteps of John Greber, a young hero. At age twelve, John was brave enough to travel into the land
of the unknown to confront his father face-to-face, better known as "The Beast" through John's eyes. John made a secret vow to seek revenge on his abusive father, rescue his sister, and help his mother during a Civil War that threatens not only the land, but the world. As John guides the
reader through the battle of horror, with survival as the ultimate goal, he becomes stronger each step of the way as he shares his strength with Ellie, and Marney. The reader can feel his strength as we continue a journey through the wonders of youth, learning life's intense lessons, while absorbing the pleasures of childhood. Can the reader relate to any of the dramatic events that take place in the land of evil? Does the reader feel hope as the journey continues? Can a parent read through the mind of Ellie? Does Marney learn to treat John with Respect, and admiration?
I recommend this novel to teens, adults, and all fantasy lovers. Jeffrey B. Allen created a Masterpiece, a captivating story the reader can never forget. The author's wild imagination draws the reader in, like a magnet. The plot is superb, and his charismatic characters come to life. "GONEAWAY INTO THE LAND" is a riveting tale of not just John's epic journey, but also our journey through life. The vivid description of "The Beast" is incredible. The remarkable journey is chilling, haunting, and mysterious as it takes the reader to a place with unforgettable consequences. John Greber tugs at the reader's heart as much as Trevor does in "PAY IT FORWARD." Jeffrey B. Allen's "GONEAWAY INTO THE LAND" transforms into an action-packed adventure that explodes with spectacular special effects, and the reader will indulge into an awe-inspiring experience as if viewing one of Steven Spielberg's finest!
Note: The Goodreads link to the second edition is as follows:
Thank you Jeffrey,
I Noted that, and when the
Pneumonia is a little better, I will post your
Review under the New Link. Hopefully, they will
allow this. Some sites don't. Barnesandnoble
is very Strict. But I will Attempt to do so.
I usually don't encounter problems on
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